Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Blog post of the day:
The following article was in the September issue of The Tiger Print. Read the article (even if you already have) and respond to it below. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Consider all perspectives of the article while you respond.

I disagree with this because girls shouldn't be able to wear stuff like that. the limits to what we wear dont have to be THAT strict but we should NOT be able to wear just whatever we want. we dont want our school to be represented in that way. i think what girls wear now is fine and the dress code should stay the same except for the shorts length. shorts just shouldn't show your butt cheeks. the thumb rule is not fair because some girls just have really long arms. some girls will say "you shouldn't judge someone based on what they wear" but honestly im not trying to be mean but it is true that if you wear crop tops and shorts that show your butt you will not be respected and if you want to be respected you should wear something more modest because i dont want to hang out with people who wear stuff like that.  dont want to be considered part of that group. im modest and i dont want people to think im like... that... wearing these ugly cloths dont tell me about the person you are but if you wear them then you are not who i wanna hang out with. you intimidate me, make me feel uncomfortable, make me feel depressed, sickened, disgusted, and many more. the boys actually do get distracted by this. also, why do you want to wear that to school anyways? do you want the boys to look at you like that? that's nasty and i dont know why girls do this. its not cute, its not fashionable, its not modest, its gross and nasty and omg just ew... no.. stop wearing high waisted shorts and srop tops nobody wants to see our stuff so just wear anything else. wear a clown suit to school if yuou want i dont care just dont wear booty shorts or crop stops. i normally dont just people who dress differently. im okay with any kind of clothing but i cant stand crop tops or booty shorts. im telling you they are so gross. i cant even explain it. it makes me sick to my stomach omg omg omg omg omg omg omg i hate this topic dont even.... just.... omg no. if high school students are mature enough to make their own clothing choices then they wont choose to wear those nasty cloths. that fact that they want to wear that proves that they are not mature enough to pick what they wear. i want to see a day when we can wear whatever we want and nobody wears anything too showy or disrespectful to their own bodies. that is Gods temple and you are trying to flaunt it? that's horrible why would you even do that? so boys will look at you? no!!!! stop!!! you are terring boys educations apart. to me this is worst than cutting yourself and that is really bad. your hurting yourself because you are giving yourself a bad image and people will think you are trashy because that's just how society is. you can argue and complain about how society is so mean and stupid but really there is nothing you can do about it because society dosent even give a chicken about what you think. they are not doing it to hurt you but when people see you wearing these things the first thing they think is "um... yeah i dont think i want to hang out with her. shes trashy and obviously dosent wanna respect herself" and if you dress like that you will not find friends/boyfriends who truly love you and think you are smart, kind, and beautiful... they may say they love you for those reasons but i think we all know that is a huge lie. so if you are desperate and for some reason you want a guy to like you for you, try dressing modest and trust me you will find someone who dosent just like you because u dress like that. however being desprate is not a good thing try to avoid that please for your own good. i dont go home and think about how stupid booty shorts are all day and stuff because that would be really odd and i honestly dont give a cows tail about what you do with your body but its very disturbing and i hate it when i see it and so do others. like, ew,. please, no, just stop, go away. okay this is making me angry thinking about it so i guess i will stop now i have said enough. this world is full of nasty people who do nasty things and i will not be part of that. nasty nasty nasty 

Monday, October 6, 2014


This weekend i had a new friend over. it was really fun and i got to know her a lot better. then i had a old friend over from my old school and we had a really good time also. we got to catch up with eachother and talk about old times. then we played our favorite video game (minecraft). i live in Raymore missouri and also Overland Park Kansas. Raymore is really nice. all of the houses are neat and the people are all normal, polite, and respectful of other peoples property. we have a firework show every fourth of July and we are right down the street for a forest, a huge park with sports complexes in it, and a smaller park. walking around my neighborhood is very fun because i can walk around the fields, swing, climb a tree in the forest, or play tennis. there is a small area of the woods that the underbrush has been taken out from and it is really clear but there are still trees. in this area kids come and build big huts out of sticks. for some reason the floor of this area is COVERED with large sticks. i dont know why but it is so covered that it is hard to see the dirt underneath the sticks. there are about 5 really cool huts built there by other people. i have never seen these people but every time i go there i see a new hut. sometimes i build my own huts. there is a tree house that has a sign on it that says 4s tree house, no boys allowed on it. sometimes we climb up the side and sit on it. the tree house is not very good... it is just a bunch of wooden boards nailed to the branches... but it is really cool. some day i went there with my friend Lizzy and all around the tree house we say shaving cream EVERYWHERE! the bottles were laying on the ground and on the bottles instead of it saying "shaving cream" someone had taped paper on it that said "zombie sure"! it was really cool. looks like someone had a zombie apocalypse shaving cream fight. this gave us the idea to have our own shaving cream fight. i bought a lot of shaving cream, glow sticks, and silly string. i invited 4 friends over and we went to the cleared part of the woods where the huts are and we had a shaving cream war when it got dark. it was really cool and we were all covered in a thick layer of shaving cream. then we went to the park (its really close by) and we waved to everyone we say. they all laughed when they saw us. we went home and washed off in the sprinkler then we had a shower party. dont worry, shower parties are not what you think they are. We all stay in our cloths and get in a large shower. (no nudity) we take turns washing our hair and stuff its not that weird. it was really fun to do this. Another time i went for a walk with my friends at night and two of them wanted to ding dong ditch someone. me and my other 3 friends did not want to be part of this so we stayed out of it. they rang the doorbell and jumped behind the ladies bush. she came out and started yelling. she spotted my two friends and began to cry and curse at them. she threatened to call the cops but she dident. i was mad at my friends for doing it because i thought it was a bad idea in the first place.  i have had many more fun times with my friends in that neighborhood such as my neighbors crazy sleepover birthday party, the firework show wit my 7 friends, and playing basketball with my dad and winning every game. yes i used to live in Kansas City but i moved to overland park. I dident like Kansas City very much because there was a lot of crime, not very many neighbors my age, houses arnt as nice, and i lived across from a creepy graveyard. i like Overland Park a lot better i think it is great and i love it here.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


What is an infographic? If you don't know, go look it up. Read about it and then in your own words tell me what an infographic is. What do infographics do? How do they work? What makes a really good infographic?

i dont know what an infograph is!

Monday, September 29, 2014


Tell me about your Homecoming weekend! If you didn't participate in the Homecoming festivities, what did you do? Share pics!

Well i went to the homecoming dance (my first high school dance!) and it was really fun. i got ready at a friends house and that was really fun. We went to the dance and split up. i hung out with my friends and we danced. i ate a cookie and it was good. i gave my friend a ride home and thanked her for letting me come over. for the rest of the weekend i just slept a lot and was lazy as usual. we got the news that we had sold our house and will soon be moving onto that cool house on 6 acres of land. im really excited

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Imagine Mr. Bacon has asked you to suggest one way of improving Blue Valley High School to make it a better place for students. Think about the changes that are needed at your school. Pick one change you feel would really make a difference and explain what it is and why you'd make the change.
Today in Emerging Technology 

I think they should make the classes bigger so that more students can get into the class they want. i couldent get into computer apps or Spanish because the classes were full. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


What are your favorite apps on your phone or tablet? Why?

My favorite apps are ifunny, instagram, snapchat, kik, minecraft, and facebook. i like these apps because they are fun and help me connect with the outside world.